5 Foolproof Gifts for [Grand]Mother's Day

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On Mother’s Day we think immediately of… our mothers! But have you considered how you’re going to show your grandmother you love her this year? Your grandmother was there through it all too – the diapers, the meal-making, the endless piles of laundry. Don’t let this [Grand]Mother’s Day surprise you! Get ready with a special gift to share your appreciation and care.

Here are 5 ideas for celebrating Mother's Day with your loved ones in 2015:

New earrings. As the old adage goes, you can never go wrong with jewelry. A nice new pair of carefully selected earrings – or some other kind of jewelry - will go a long way towards making your mom feel special.

A gift basket. Choose one online, or fill your own, with delightful, long-lasting snacks and treats for your loved one. If you are making your own, some ideas include crackers, jams, smoked salmon and nut butters.

A shawl. Mother’s day falls in the spring when the weather is still a bit chilly. A colourful shawl can add a bright touch to an older outfit, and will be a comforting and thoughtful addition to her wardrobe and comfort.

A recent photo in a new frame. Bright and beautiful picture frames are readily available and often discounted at many department stores. Pick a unique frame and go the old-fashioned way and send in a photo for physical printing. Another alternative is to print a new photo on a canvas - many discounts for canvas printing are available online. Your mother will love being able to look at a fresh photo of people she loves.

Finally, never underestimate the value of a thoughtful card. Choose one that is simply beautiful, or fill it with kind words and memories if you know she’ll like that – a card is a surefire way to tell her that you love her. Plus, throwing in a chocolate or picking up a few flowers is never a bad idea.

- Bethany Mortelliti, Administrative Assistant in Marketing and Communications