COVID-19 Safety Precautions
We continue to monitor the evolving outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Below is information we would like to share with you about this virus in our continued effort to keep our Residents and Team Members safe and healthy.
As with any flu or virus, we need your support and diligence to keep our Team and Residents healthy. Please do not visit your loved one or enter one of our locations if you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms or have recently returned from China, Hong Kong, Italy, Singapore, South Korea, Iran or Japan. Once you are completely well or have passed the current incubation period for Coronavirus we welcome you back.
Currently the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak a global health emergency, but has not yet called it a pandemic. In Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and provides regular updates as the WHO updates new information.
PHAC has currently assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low for Canada. Public health risk is assessed continually as new information becomes available.
To ensure a coordinated response across Canada, PHAC also works collaboratively with many stakeholders including Provincial Health authorities as they review Pandemic plans to be prepared in the event of an outbreak within Canada and in turn, the regional health authorities will collaborate with contracted providers.
We will continue to update you as more information becomes available. In the meantime please refer to this printable handout for more information about COVID-19.
Public Health Agency of Canada
Alberta Health Services: novel COVID-19
BC Centre for Disease Control webpage